Meet Chris…
“Chris is a qualified plant-based chef and vegan hospitality consultant. With over four years experience as lead chef at a fully vegan establishment in Windsor, and development of his culinary skills under some of the leading chefs in the plant-based movement, including Bettina Campolucci Bordi and Tora Olsson, he is an expert in plant-based cuisine. Alongside retreat and corporate catering, Chris offers consultation services in menu evaluation & design, product sourcing, and on-site staff training with an aim to help food businesses elevate their plant-based menu options. His clients love that his bespoke menus are customized to their vision, while offering versatility and delivering on flavour. With a diploma as a ‘Vegan Natural Chef’ from the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London, he is also passionate about helping individuals to prevent chronic illness through evidence-based food choices, and as a qualified secondary school geography teacher, he enjoys providing insight into global cuisines and environmental sustainability.”
“Whenever it is time to cook, it is an opportunity to be creative!”
My Journey
B.C. (before chef, before consciousness, before caring)
I haven’t always been a chef, or mindful of what food I put inside my body. In fact, I very clearly remember a moment at university where I sat down to a 3 minute microwave pasta meal straight out of the packet (yes, both pasta and sauce) and realised I needed to sort my life out! Combine that with a lifestyle of eating [cheap] meat at least twice a day and you’ve got a recipe for digestive issues. Since then, I’ve put in the hard work, learned to cook, come through a few stressful career choices (a former grammar school teacher here), turned vegan, become more conscious about how food can impact health, and am now in a place where I feel I can offer something useful to others. Welcome to ‘Degrees C’ …. the culmination of this journey and the name behind my freelance chef and consultation services.
“Clients love that my bespoke menus are customized to their vision, while offering versatility and delivering on flavour.”
Why Degrees C?
Aside from the rather convenient affiliation with cooking, Degrees C is really a way of saying that there are multiple degrees of C - as in the letter C. In fact, there are 10 important C’s that form the foundation of what I do and what I value;
Chef | Being largely self-taught, I’ve had to battle with that common underlying feeling of imposterism most experience, but I can now confidently say ‘I am a Chef!’ A chef with experience, and a strong knowledge of plant-based cuisine.
Caterer | From intimate private dinners and parties, to wellbeing retreats and larger corporate lunches, I am here to cater for your next event. They are all different and I will tailor my menu to suit your situation and values. More on that below.
Consultant | Every food related business is capable of offering high-quality plant-based options; ones that all customers will want to order - not just us vegans. Let’s work together to elevate your menu.
Coach | Changing your lifestyle habits can present some real challenges and it really helps to have someone on your side for guidance and encouragement. I’m here for those of you wanting to make the transition to becoming more plant-based.
Creator | Whenever it is time to cook, it is an opportunity to be creative! This is not only the best part of my job, but what I enjoy doing in my day-to-day life. Quite often, the best results flourish from beneath the greatest of restrictions, whether that be seasonal, colour-specific or food waste limiting.
Craftsman | Whilst some of my work could be considered an art (and I have created dishes with a deeper underlying meaning), it is the meticulous planning, careful process and attention to detail that makes me a craftsman - one who enjoys creating bespoke dishes and always looking to hone my skills further.
Customiser | I’ve been fortunate enough to have been placed into many situations that require something new or bespoke - no two events are ever the same and every menu requires some element of customisation; whether to adapt to an individual’s allergy or to meet a core value of your business. It’s what I do!
Compassion | My lifestyle change towards that of veganism were not just born out of necessity, but also out of compassion. I like to let my food do the talking, and hope it communicates that in our modern society, there really is no need for us to consume animals.
Centenarian | In Roman numerals, the letter C represents 100 - that target age that most strive for but never get to experience. Yet, whilst extending one’s lifespan is a reasonable goal, I believe in also extending one’s healthspan - the years that are spent living in a healthy, optimal state. More often than not, this comes down to what food we choose to consume, and why I am a strong proponent of a whole-food, plant-based diet. I am obsessed with all things ageing and longevity and like to share this knowledge with those who work with me.
Community | The key resource that allows us to connect to each other. Whether it be our shared values of compassion, health and environmental concerns, or simply our love for tasty food, I look forward to working with you and helping our community to grow!
… and of course the letter C represents me, Chris!
My Values